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Nail Your Story by @monicaleonelle

Nail Your Story by Monica Leonelle

Nail Your Story by Monica LeonelleWant to take your storytelling further than you ever thought possible?

Nail Your Story: Add Tension, Build Emotion, and Keep your Readers Addicted by Monica Leonelle is the perfect guide.

The major theme here is theme.

No, really.

Theme is one of those subjects that seems tricky to nail down. What does your story really mean? You may be able to work it out organically, but understanding the real reason behind your story will help you tackle your plot with clarity.

The author says her method creates deep resonance with readers, and I’m inclined to believe it. But it gets better. By identifying a theme, broad or narrow, you can brainstorm all the elements. The society, the important objects, the obstacles – everything can tie back to the theme, reinforcing it without hitting anyone over the head.

And because you have the perfect storm to pull all the elements of your story together, it makes plotting incredibly easy. If you had a chance to check out my post on Randy Ingermanson’s How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method, this guide is the perfect companion.

No more murky middles for you!

And the author’s voice here is so easy to digest. Books about writing can be so technical and formulaic. This was refreshing. Whether you understand basic story structure or not, I recommend that you read this book the entire way through. She packs so much information into the breadth of the book, and her perspective is so refreshing, you can’t help but look at plotting and structure in a whole new light.

Seriously, get Nail Your Story today. Your writing will thank you for it.